10 most wanted Blogger tricks

I have posted many essential tricks and hacks less or more essential for good functionality and aesthetic blogging experience. Now, I am writing about popular or most wanted tips and tricks for blogger or blogspot blogs.

Let’s have a look at them one by one and I am sure they will prove to be useful for improving aspect of Blogger platform.

1. Remove Blogger default Navbar

remove blogger navigation/navi bar
This Navbar seems to be of less importance because it doesn’t look cool at the top and take an extra space in your design. It doesn’t have enough resources or tools for the reader so better vanish it from your blog. It’s easy to remove it, just go to Edit HTML section of your blog and find :


And add following code before hitting the above line.

#navbar-iframe { height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden; }

2. Add Read more or Expanded posts Continue Reading function

Read More…

To make browsing more light to our readers many times should show only a summary of the articles. As Blogger does not have this feature by default, we will have to use CSS or Javascript to achieve this purpose. You can find well explained at eblogtemplates.

3. Add Paged numbered Navigation

blogger page number
Blogger only shows a link to this page and above, with the page to display a larger number of pages to navigate indicated by numbers. Again the operation is based on a script that is necessary to install on your blog to make it work. So, do it yourself by reading tutorial by Amanda.

4. Show Recent posts and Recent Comments in Sidebar

Give more Navigation options to you reader and encourage them to comment and interact by showing off these gadgets in blog sidebar. Click for Recent posts and Recent Comments gadget here.

Another way to do it by adding Feed address in Add Feed content Gadget
blogger feed

For Recent articles: http://blogname.blogspot.com/posts/comments/default
For Recent Comments : http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default

5. Add Popular or Most commented Gadget in sidebar

When an article has many comments, that talks about its possible value for visitors. This is not a feature of Blogger so it requires the use of a new script. It can be easily accomplished by reading Popular post article.

6. Change Blog Title for post pages

Using this trick changes Blog title to the post title while viewing individual post. It’s a necessary hack for Search engine optimization. Just make some changes in HTML codes and its done. Read tutorial to do it yourself.

7. Add Comment form or Feedback below every post

No trick is associated with this feature as this has become default feature of Blogger and you can turn it on from Comments tab under settings of Blogger account. It will be automatically embedded below posts but sometimes you will need to perform it manually if it doesn’t work.

8. Put Adsense Ads inside or in between blogger post

Embedding adsense code inside Blogger article can gain more clicks as it catches reader’s attention so follow tutorial to place adsense units inside posts.

9. Add favicon to your blog

Favicon gives and identity to your blog. It makes possible to navigate to your blog when multiple tabs are open in a browser. There are various methods to do it but you can got this one as this online service does this for you free within seconds.

Update: Blogger now integrates feature to apply favicon directly. There is no need of manual work.

10. Custom Domain on Blogspot blogs

In everyone’s Blogging journey, a time comes when he wants to move on to his own domain instead of blogspot.com so, how can you move without losing your Permalinks. Blogger has this feature under Publishing tab of Blogger settings but if you still find difficult, head towards this tutorial.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 26 comments
Pavan Kumar - December 11, 2008

Seems they are very useful for blogger users, let me stumble it for you…


Pavan Kumar - December 11, 2008

Seems they are very useful for blogger users, let me stumble it for you…


Rohit - December 11, 2008

Thanks a lot Pavan and I am glad that you liked it.

Rohit - December 11, 2008

Thanks a lot Pavan and I am glad that you liked it.

Honour Chick - December 11, 2008

great collection of tricks πŸ™‚

Honour Chick - December 11, 2008

great collection of tricks πŸ™‚

Ann - December 12, 2008


Ann - December 12, 2008


Dinh Trung - December 17, 2008

I love this post!. That’s a good job man.

Thank you πŸ™‚

Dinh Trung - December 17, 2008

I love this post!. That’s a good job man.

Thank you πŸ™‚

atultanna88 - December 20, 2008

Useful for those who are well versed with bloggers.Anything for beginners?

atultanna88 - December 20, 2008

Useful for those who are well versed with bloggers.Anything for beginners?

p@r@noid - December 21, 2008

Stumbled for the nice, I was using Blogspot and i missed the comment form below every post feature that time, though lately they made it available for everyone but for the third party hack it was quite important to add code to get the comment form.

p@r@noid - December 21, 2008

Stumbled for the nice, I was using Blogspot and i missed the comment form below every post feature that time, though lately they made it available for everyone but for the third party hack it was quite important to add code to get the comment form.

Advertise online - August 20, 2009

your information is useful for me, tks!

farbige kontaktlinsen - October 20, 2009

Thanks for sharing this, it will really improve my use of twitter.

alexa - November 14, 2009

Hello, How can I change the readmore text link becomes read more permalink.. ?

the example is this blogspot : newsalls.blogspot.com

Please help me … Thanks…

carlofina - January 15, 2010

a very helpful tricks. totally useful for blogger users.

Roderick - January 10, 2011

I tried your hack for the Remove Blogger default Navbar but it took everything including the signin.Do you have something to leave the signin in tact

wallpapers - January 14, 2011

very great collection! thanks!:)
happy new year!

zifan - February 10, 2012

i like blogger tricks,..thanks

Blogger tricks - February 20, 2012

These are really essential tricks for a blogger. thanks for posting them.
About the favicon- now blogger has that favicon function inbuilt into the new version. We can hope that they will soon add many things so that we won’t have to do them manually

SarkariNaukari - March 12, 2013

This post will really help me in professionalising my blog…thanx a lot freind…

Fayaz - April 29, 2013

Useful Post……. Keep it up……..

Pleas can you tell me How to add a permanent Nave bar …… Like as on this site…

(About, Windows, Android Blogging………. AS THIS BAR) pleas………

HARPAL SINGH - May 16, 2013

very nice post , thanks for the lovely post , very helpful

Kathiyawadi blogger - September 11, 2013

Hey,this tips are awesome and used by everyblogger in his/her life,when they begins their journey towards world of blogging.


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