5 programs to Monitor changes in Windows Registry

Generally, when we install any software- Only one setup file to execute and then this installation process consist of extracting several files on your computer. Apart from files in Program Files Folder, there are many directories and registry entries which is most important.

You can keep watch on Windows Registry changes using third-party software. Basically, these tracking tools are used for analyzing the changes made to Windows Registry  by making “snapshots” of it and keeping them in the browse-able database.

You can compare any two snapshots and get the list of keys/data which are new, deleted or just changed. Below Listed are some such tracking utilities available for free to use:

Spy Me Tools

monitor changes in windows registry

It can know in depth what are the details of your operating system, as well as greatly improves safety. It handles a complete listing of all of the keys that have been added, removed or modified.

[button-green url=”http://www.lcibrossolutions.com/download/spymetools_installer.exe” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download [/button-green][clear]

Active Registry Monitor

monitor changes in windows registry

It can do comparing not only in the entire Registry, but also in any key of the Registry. It is also possible to exclude any keys of the Registry from compare results. Moreover, you can create undo/redo files (for example, to rollback the changes).

[button-green url=”http://www.devicelock.com/download/arm.zip” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download [/button-green][clear]

Process Monitor

monitor changes in windows registry

It shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. With this you can see which applications are accessing your Registry, which keys they are accessing, and the Registry data that they are reading and writing. 

[button-green url=”http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download [/button-green][clear] [alert-success] 5 Best Free Portable Process Managers for Windows [/alert-success]


Monitor Windows 7 registry changes

It allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry/file and then compare it with a second one. It comes with File Shot which can also track file changes.

[button-green url=”http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=215449″ target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download [/button-green][clear]

InstallWatch Pro

Monitor Windows Registry Changes

Changes tracked include additions, deletions, or modifications to files and directories, INI files, and the Registry. All information is stored in a database so that it can be accessed later to generate reports.

[button-green url=”http://download.fyxm.net/InstallWatch-Pro-83813.html” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download[/button-green][clear]

If you have used other applications to monitor changes in Windows registry, do share your experience with us.

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