How to Access Facebook Profile / Wall within Gmail Account on all Browsers
If you do have a Facebook profile created with a Gmail account and you update your status very often, you should give this cool Gmail Labs feature a try. This Labs feature lets you access Facebook profile from within your Gmail account. You can update your status, view wall and news feed without opening a new tab.
We have already seen How to access Facebook inside Gmail using Google Chrome extension but using Gmail Labs Feature, it is possible on all Browsers without any addon.
Log in to your Gmail account and click the “Settings” link at the right-top corner.
Click the “Labs” tab under “Settings”.
You will find a Gmail Labs feature named “Add any gadget by URL”. Enable it and save the changes.
Now, you will find a new tab “Gadgets” under “Settings”.
Go to the “Gadgets” tab. Enter the address in the textbox provided and click the “Add” button.
Facebook gadget will be added to your Gmail account.
A new element “Facebook” will appear bellow “Chat” in the left pane of your Gmail account. Click the “expand” link to open Facebook interface.
A “Login to Facebook” button will appear in the right. Press it to continue.
You have to permit the Gmail Gadget to access your Facebook profile for the first time. Click “Allow”.
Log in to your Facebook Account with your existing username and password combination.
You will have the following interface. To update your status, write something in the textbox provided and click “Share”. There are three more options to access, News feed, Wall and Profile. When you click “profile”, it opens a new tab and redirects you to your Facebook profile page. News feed and Wall open in the same tab inside Gmail. When you are done with your Facebook profile, click “Logout” to go to the normal Gmail interface.