All in one Disk Management Software with Advanced Features : DiskBoss

For performing different Folder and File management operations, we use separate applications. DiskBoss is really an awesome application for windows file and disk management. Thanks to this gem, you can perform search, classification, removing duplicates, and cleaning of files.


The main interface of application highlights all features on top bar which includes- Search, Sync, Clean up, Duplicates and Classify. You also have the ability to create scripts, or perform advanced commands that enable you to perform automated actions in one click.

Among these features, Classify is an interesting feature which shows classification of files on Disk. You know how many files such as video, audio, programs or documents you have stored in your PC.

Another nice feature is Organize which lets you initiate command to mass files and folders like create a command to copy / delete / move / compress (and more) all files of a certain size / extension.

Commands: From this window you can use and manage a set of predetermined commands about the features most requested by users so that they can start quickly with a click.

Download DiskBoss

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
Christo Chiramukhathu - September 3, 2011

Thanks for the post. But you didn’t mention whether it’s free or paid program(Disk Boss). When refering programs, pls include that info also.

    Rohit Langde - September 3, 2011

    We generally cover Free ones and DiskBoss is another freeware 🙂


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