All in one Essential Standalone Gadgets Pack for Windows 7, XP and Vista

People who love customizing windows love to try out new things. Gadgets in windows are small things that can be used for both purposes of decorating and and using small functional units on desktop.

By default Windows 7 and Vista provides some basic gadgets which may be helpful in several cases but are not visually appealing at all. If you want to use gadgets with better visual appearances then you can try Snow Standalone Gadgets Pack.

Snow Standalone Gadgets Pack is a freeware gadget pack for windows 7. This pack includes various beautiful gadgets that can be used. Some of this gadgets provide functionality like weather information, CPU usage details, calender, picture slide shows, Google news, space status of each drive, shortcuts to directly log in to facebook, twitter, deviantart and flickr accounts.

It also has gadgets to write and save notes and also to view your IP address and network upload and download speed. You can arrange these gadgets according to your choice and you can also close gadgets that you do not want.

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