Android Visual Skin Pack for Windows 7 | Android Transformation Pack
For an Android fan, who even wants Windows 7 desktop to look like Android then this skin pack is easy and safe way to turn Windows 7 to Android. Android Skin pack changes most of the visual elements of Windows 7 to respective Android element.
Android Skin Pack consists of:
- Android Visual Style for Windows
- Android Bootscreen
- Android Login Screen and Wallpaper
- Rocket Dock (Super Cool launcher on Desktop)
- UberIcon which provides effects on opening a folder or file.
- Top Taskbar which takes your taskbar to top side.
- Related Android Icons for common apps (Windows Media Player, Notepad, etc.)
Explorer has grey icons with awesome progress bar for file operations. Most of the text elements are given green color which is obvious.
[alert-success] Enhance your Desktop using Rainmeter[/alert-success]Overall, the interface is beautiful and minimalistic which can even be used for daily use without any confusion. Though, there aren’t wallpapers included but you can always search the web for android wallpaper collection.
In short, it offers a android freshness to Windows desktop and nice way to freshen up Windows interface.
Good thing about Android Skin pack is there are no manual file replacement procedure included; you just have to run an installer which is “Click Next” Type.
Just like installation, Uninstallation is breeze. Comes with uninstaller so, just check all the elements you want to remove and reboot windows to back your old interface.
[alert-success] Download HTC Sense Clock and Weather Gadget for Windows Desktop [/alert-success]During installation, Skin Pack takes a backup of all System files responsible for visual styling. This is helpful as in most cases, we mess with it and end up having mixed crappy interface.
[alert-announce] Please make a System Restore Point before trying out any third party Skin / Theme pack on Windows. In case your system doesn’t boot after installing the theme, restart to safe mode and restore system[/alert-announce]Download Android Skin Pack