Instant Auto Subtitle Translator to translate Subtitles into any language

While downloading, Movies do come with subtitles but it’s not necessary always to get them in the language you want. There are many foreign movies which may not be in English or the language you understand easily or simply your regional language. So, its possible to translate Movie subtitles into any language you know.

Well, there are two options to translate subtitles, either manually or automatic. Manual translation editing requires more reliable but requires effort and time. Automatically translated subtitles are easy to make and requires less time or better you would say they are instant but not so up to the mark.

Subtitles Translator

This program opens a subtitle time line and offers you an editor to translate subtitle line by line. Displays subtitles under video for real-time editing. Other handy features like Inserting, deleting, splitting and joining of subtitles lines and Cutting/Copying/Pasting several lines of subtitles.

Trsnlate subtitles into any language

Download Subtitles Translator

Open Subtitle Translator

It is a Java based programs designed to translate subtitles loaded in to any desired language automatically using Google Translator API. The results are instant and offers translation from and to almost all languages which are supported by Google Translate. You may see that some translation are not so perfect but 80% of your work is done by this program which saves lots of time. In case, If you want to make corrections, use the above tool to load this translated subtitle and manually edit those lines.

Trsnlate subtitles into any language

Using these both tools, I am sure you will get the perfect translation of subtitles from any language into any language. As this program uses Google Translate engine for translation job, the results are fair enough to understand the movie. All Most widely spoken language like German, French, etc are supported but I tested the program with they languages I know and the results were fine.

Trsnlate subtitles into any language

Download Open Subtitle Translator

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 10 comments
Vishnu - April 18, 2010

Sir, with OST, english to hindi translated and saved as srt and open in player (KM.Player or BS.Player) hindi srt/font unable to display, while converted srt in Open Subtitle Translator windows shows its in hindi.

misakitchi - May 11, 2010

I have a video file (tvshow.mkv for example) and a subtitle file ( for example).
I search a video player who can read and translate subtitle (with google translate?) in another language, french for example.
Thx! 🙂

Mark H - May 20, 2010

Interesting article and interesting timing too. I have been working in this area recently and hope that machine translation of subtitles really takes off. Whilst there are lots of worthy volunteers out there willing to create handcrafted subtitles for free, its often the case that the file you need isnt available in the right language. The approach I took is a simple couple of clicks interface to translate, I’m not interested in checking the file line by line because it takes too long – anyway i would know the end of the film too before i watched it!? please give this a try,

    kallia - August 24, 2010

    go to this link,

    i am not sure it works fine, but i hope it helps a bit

Jane Duyan - June 8, 2010

Hope this translates languages with exactly the same meaning from the original language. It’s gonna be a bad movie if it’s not gonna be translated well..ahaha

Syed Ghulam Akbar - August 19, 2010

You can also add the Dynamic Subtitle Translator to the list too. It’s web-based (no need to download and install any application), amazing translation speed ( have to try it to believe it), provides online sub-title editing, and is tightly integrated with Dynamic Language Tools; providing the instant translation, transliteration and dictionary lookup during sub-title editing.

Give it a try and share you feedback:

Smaran - September 22, 2011

Sir, with OST, english to hindi translated and saved as srt and open in VLC player hindi srt/font unable to display, while converted srt in Open Subtitle Translator windows shows its in hindi.

ANDRE - October 26, 2011

Ce logiciel est une grosse merde!
D’abord avant de l’installer on vous demande d’installer 3 milliards d’autres trucs…bon ok j’installe…cela étant fait je démarre puis…Non ça veut pas marcher…error quelque part…

Beaucoup de temps perdu pour rien!!Hé bien sûr faut encore tout “nettoyer”…


Gretchen P - January 9, 2012

I think you should also include the online subtitles translator, SubTranslate, which does the same but online:


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