Take Automated Website Backups to Dropbox without Plugin on any CMS

Taking Website Backup to Dropbox has many solutions, especially, there are numerous plugins to backup WordPress Blog to Dropbox. Problem with those solutions is that you have to install them on the server which in turn uses resources. In case of WordPress, these plugins, being a part of WordPress installation clutters Database tables.

Best solution would be taking backup of your Website Static files, images and Databases (if any) to Dropbox (or any other service) without actually installing any script or plugin on site.

MyBackupBox is one such service which would automate backup transfers for Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, Amazon, MySQL, and lots more without installing anything. Everything is done behind the scenes automatically.

As no installation is required, it is independent of CMS used. You can use it to backup Websites of any kind, maybe, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Pligg, etc.

How BackupBox Works

You can create a free account on MyBackupBox and after logging in, interface has two sides. Transfer takes from Left to Right side. Authorize FTP details from the left side and Dropbox (service where you want to backup) from the right side.

In the middle, Transfer options are given. Select the Type and Automation frequency (Daily, Monthly or Weekly) and click Review button to begin.

How to backup SQL Databases

Above procedure includes only backup of files but nowhere there is mention of SQL database. To do that, you have to bring the SQL dump into FTP directory.

Update 07 May 2012 – MyBackupBox supports MySQL Database backups natively so, you no more have to perform this task manually. Just Add new Connector as MySQL and you are ready to go.

How to create Automated SQL Dump from cPanel

Add this Cron Job command as Daily / Weekly or anything you desire.

mysqldump db_name -u username -ppassword > /home/username/sitename/backup.sql
  1. db_name – Database Name
  2. username – Usernname of Database User
  3. password – Password to Access Database
  4. username – cPanel username
  5. Sitename – Directory to be backed up

Cron Job in cPanel

This Cron Job will take automatic SQL backups into the directory specified and this directory will be eventually backed up to Dropbox. So, alongwith Static files, you even get database backed up automatically.

How is it Different from Using Plugins

  • It works completely behind the scenes and doesn’t include any script or plugin installation.
  • Independent of CMS used. Even HTML / CSS Sites could be backed up hasslefree.
  • Most of the plugins archives the content and then push it to Dropbox (S3, Sugarsync, etc.) but BackupBox also supports File by File transfer to make both folders look identical. This save space too because files, which aren’t, changed (like image) file won’t be again backed up again if timestamps are matched.
  • Resource usage of the server is less.
  • Connection to this Website is Secured (HTTPS) to prevent eavesdropping and password stealing.
  • Makes use of OAuth wherever possible

Is it Free

On Demand Backup and Monthly backups are free but if you will have to pay 5$ for weekly backups and 10$ for daily backups per month. In my consideration, weekly backups would be enough or if you can even set a reminder to make on demand backup every Sunday to make it completely free.

Backup Servers Supported

At this moment, of writing this article, FTP to Dropbox backup is supported, however, company aims to bring support for following services too:

  • Amazon S3
  • SugarSync
  • Flickr
  • SFTP
  • Box

How to Restore Website

As I said, Transfer takes from Left to Right side, you have to keep Dropbox on left while FTP on right. For database restoration however, you will have to use phpmyadmin to import SQL database.

If you want to avoid downloading database on Local Disk then, use SSH for importing Database.

Recommended: 10 ways to Use DropBox and Make Most out of Free 2GB Space

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments
Shalu Sharma - April 14, 2012

There are a couple of good plugins that can help you to backup your wordpress sites. What about blogger, please provide some tips on that.

Arjun - April 17, 2012

Forgot to add link to the site or what?

    Rohit Langde - April 17, 2012

    Yeah, now updated! Thanks for notifying.

Eric Warnke - April 28, 2012

Hi Rohit, I’m one of the founders of Backup Box, thanks for writing your article!

We just launched an update that will allow you a lot more capabilities, including direct MySQL connections so you won’t have to do a dump.

Please check it out and let me know what you think 🙂

    Rohit Langde - April 28, 2012

    Thanks for Commenting by and letting us know about it. I, personally use your service, nice to know about the improvements, will update accordingly. Cheers!

Eric Warnke - June 7, 2012

Hi Rohit, I just wanted to update you and say that we now support MySQL, so no more cronjobs needed to backup you Joomla installation 🙂


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