Avira Protection Cloud: Light Weight Cloud Based Antivirus Software

Cloud based Security software are aimed at offering high level of protection and gaining popularity these days. Avira, popular name in Security products has come up with their Cloud based Antivirus software.

How it is Different in Working From your Antivirus

  1. Avira Cloud scans files in most prone areas like system directory, startup folders, services, etc. and generates a digital fingerprint of each.
  2. These digital fingerprints are sent to cloud where they are compared and categorized whether clean or infected.
  3. As scanning process is mostly done in cloud, it consumes less memory and processing power of Computer.
  4. No need to download antivirus definitions / updates as Cloud gets you latest malware information.

Avira Protection Cloud Review

To start using it, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is a requirement and compatible with Windows XP SP3 and later. And the truth is I am quite disappointed with it. I expected much more and reference for comparison is Panda Cloud Antivirus which is far more sophisticated. Starting with installation requirement as .NET Framework for a cloud based antivirus which is supposed to be light in weight is contradictory.

Furthermore, System scanning for Virus executes only on demand. No scanning is performed when computer is idle or at specified interval.

Also, it scans the list of  files which are more suspicious. Executable are instantly identified as clean, infected or unknown. Suspicious unknown executable are uploaded for detailed automatic analysis.

Avira, from this technology, will ensure that an improvement in the detection of false positives. Also ensure that the centralized location for analysis will improve the protection system to prevent attacks on other machines.

The truth is that it is in an early stage and has much room for improvement. We look forward to see how they implemented and improve the product.

At the moment, Technical preview of Avira Protection Cloud is available for free download.

[button-green url=”http://www.avira.com/en/avira-protection-cloud” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download Avira Protection Cloud [/button-green] [clear]

If you are not sure and don’t want to take risk then try premium Cloud protection for free.

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