BADA 2.0 Spoofer To Install Paid Apps on Samsung Wave (Video Tutorial)
Installing games and Apps on Samsung Wave has always been quite difficult. For Bada 1.0, we used a container app to inject paid app and then install. BADA 2.0 Spoofer, however is quite easier to use and install cracked games and apps on Samsung Wave.
BADA Spoofing Requirements
- Bada Certificate
- Multiloader 5.67
- Bada Wave Spoofer
- Modified apps_compressed.bin For- Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, Wave 723
Install BADA Certificate to Spoof Apps
Existing certificate may cause conflicts while installing paid or cracked apps manually. So, Root certificate of BADA has to be changed in order to allow untrusted app installation.
To do that, Copy BadaCertificate.cer to Memory card of Phone and open it. Pop up will appear saying its a risk to security but install it anyways.
Install Modified Apps Compressed Bin
It has to be installed using Multiloader software for Windows. Connect Phone to Computer via USB and Open Multiloader. When the COM Port is detected, load the file Modified apps_compressed.bin in Apps and click Download button.
It is a modified apps file which enabled spoofing.
Installing Apps (Spoofing on BADA 2.0)
I hope you already have App (to be installed) downloaded on your computer. Bada Games and apps can downloaded from or searching on Google.
- Connect Phone in Mass Storage Mode.
- Open Bada Wave Spoof application.
- Browse Signature.XML file of the app to be installed. Sign it.
- Move on to next tab “Copy” in Wave Spoofer and select Memory card. Press “Copy” button to copy the app to Memory card.
- Unplug your Phone. Go to Settings >> General >> Installation Location and select memory Card.
- Reconnect Phone in Samsung Kies Mode.
- Move on to “Installation” Tab in Wave Spoof app and select Memory Card as Location.
- Hit install button and “”Spoof Complete” window appears.
Video Credits to Deepakaku and
[alert-success] Method given above has been tried and tested on Samsung Wave 1 S8500 running BADA 2.0 [/alert-success]