What is BADA File extension for Apps? | BADA File system
BADA is an operating system for Mobile developed by Samsung Electronics. People possessing Samsung WAVE still search for file extension for BADA so that to download Apps and Games.
Unlike Android has APK / Symbian has SIS or iPhone has IPA, BADA doesn’t have any single file extension. BADA apps consists of several files and not packed in single file archive / package like other Mobile OS does.
Samsung BADA Apps consists of following several file Extensions: XML, HTB, EXE, SYS and DAT which are stored in Folders namely Bin, Info, Share, Data and Res.
I hope the question is clear that BADA doesn’t rely on any single file extension but the apps and games (if you are downloading from web) comes in RAR or ZIP archives consisting above files and folders.
Though Themes are different from Apps and can be installed manually or design yourself using BADA Theme Designer.