Batch Convert Powerpoint Presentations PPT to PDF
Preparing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations is a common thing in every field of work. If you are making lot of presentation files or .ppt files then at times you may desire to convert them to PDF for convenience in carrying them in a portable drive.
PDF files are not only easy to carry with you but also provides additional features of security and file compression. If you have dozens of PPT files then it might be laborious task to convert single file at a time. Moyea PPT to PDF Converter is a good utility to give a try.
Moyea PPT to PDF Converter is a freeware application for all windows platform. With it you can convert multiple presentation files to PDF at a single go. It is easy to use and primarily the only task that you have to do is add the source PPT files. You can also change default output location. Therefore, the main task can be easily performed from the main window. Now lets see what we can do with the settings.
This section allows you to select the compatibility, rotation and resolution of the created PDF files. Well, there is nothing much to do with the compatibility but you can rotate the pages in case you need them for presentation on a projector. You can play with the resolution so see the best quality that meets your requirements.
Check if this option is ticked. It allows you to compress the PDF files. There are no sub settings to fine tune compression levels. So you have to be contented with a simple check box.
In this tab you can select the color scheme of the produced pdf. Selecting the color scheme might help you in making your PDF files more interactive.
Use this option to embed fonts of your PPT file in created PDF file. If you wish to use simple fonts in PDF file, then just uncheck the options. You can go with simple fonts to save ink while printing the files. If you just need them to read digitally, there is no need to change anything here.
Here you can create rule that should be followed if a file is found with same name in the output folder. The 2 available actions are rename and Override. I will suggest to stick with renaming the file rather than overriding it.
Moyea PPT to PDF converter is a very helpful utility to have at hand. I have tested this PPT to PDF converter on Windows 8 Pro 64 Bit and it worked without any issues. Conversion speed is fast enough but it depends on how big your actual PPT file is.
Download: Moyea PPT to PDF converter
Is there any other free Batch PPT to PDF converter that you have used? Do let us know.