Change Icon colors on right click, Customize Folder Icon your way

No matter whether you are a home or Office computer user, after a prolonged usage there are many folders created on the drives to categorize work, music, study stuffs, movies, games etc. Having long folder lists sometimes makes it difficult for us to find out the folders we use frequently. This problem can be easily solved with help of Folderico.

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Folderico is an easy to use freeware that can be used to assign different colors and icon styles to folders of our choice. So the need for hovering around will be eliminated as our favorite folders will be clearly visible to us.

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It supports Windows shell integration, hence it is more convenient to select the folder we use frequently from context menu and customize them by either of two methods. One is by giving the folder a different color or by selecting a different icon style for the folders. By default this application comes with two icon theme packs, but if you want more you can get it from here.

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You can setup each folder of your choice with color or new icon, as you are done applying changes you will find the difference. In case the changes do not appear, just refresh once. Folderico also allows you to add your custom icons to folders. Presently it is only supported on Windows 7, 32 bit operating systems.

Download: Folderico(4.4 Mb)

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