Cheats’ guide for customizing Blogger Templates

“Guide tricks for customizing templates blogger” (A Cheats’ Guide to Customizing Blogger Templates) is a book by Amanda Blogger Buster in which shows several techniques to learn how to customize and design templates for Blogger.The book is in English but very well illustrated with a good design, many images and examples. This divided into the following chapters:

1. Customizing templates fixed width.
2. Customizing templates layout fluid.
3. Customize the sidebar.
4. Buttons, banners and pictures.
5. More resources.

This guide can be downloaded under Creative Commons and additionally you can download the package with examples, images and templates to get the most out.They can take a step back throughout the blog, which has a large number of tutorials and collections primarily oriented to Blogger.


Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 6 comments
free pc games - September 15, 2008

link not working

Rohit - September 16, 2008

Check again, its fine

Kim Moore - October 24, 2010

What a nice post my friend. I am a facebook addict and mostly spend my time playing some playfish games and just talking out with my colleages. Surely, there are so many ways we can use facebook and I really love using it. I hope they have something more new to come for all of us.

shashi kumar - April 24, 2012

useful post for me because i am facing problem with template setting thanks for sharing


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