Easily Control Windows 7 ClearType & Text Anti-Aliasing

ClearType is a text viewing technology that first appeared in Windows XP. This technology renders the text in a way which makes it look much better on LCD screens with rectangle pixels instead of circle CRT dots.

It is obviously more convenient and handy when we don’t have to use Windows native ClearType Tuner and go with its long wizard. ClearType switch is a very handy tool to ease the work.

It is not only eases the work but is also portable so that we can quickly tune ClearType settings on different LCD displays. ClearType increases the resolution of LCDs letting user read text off the screen with more clarity. Clear type enhances text readability automatically and can disable clear type in just one click.

Usually  ClearType and Smooth Font Edges options are found in two different locations but clear type is simple and it lets you enable ClearType without any difficulties. It also gives us the option to enable/disable smooth edges for screen fonts to make system font look as required.

Leaving aside this feature of enabling and disabling clear type can also bring up Windows native ClearType Tuner to set the best-suited font for the respective displays.

Download ClearType Switch (384.47KB)

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