Convert DOCX to DOC Word documents instantly without email

DOCX is the file extension of the files created with Office 2007 and MS Office 2010 but they cannot be opened with MS office 1997- 2003. So, if you have an Word document created with Office 2007 – 2010 then convert it to DOC so that it opens with MS office 2003.

convert docx to doc

Many services are available but they generally require your email ID to be submitted and then it will be mailed to you within some time but What if you don’t have to give out your email ID and convert DOCX to DOC Word documents instantly without email.

Investintech is an online service which converts DOCX to DOC just by uploading it and you will be given direct link to download converted DOC document.

Site: Investintech

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 9 comments
Nikhil - February 24, 2010

Try visiting this site & download & you can use older office to run docx or slsx etc type extensions

    Rohit Langde - February 25, 2010

    That’s official tool, I agree it is good but when you are somewhere else (not on your pc) like you went to print those documents in College or shop. So, instant online service is more feasible.

kothapally arun - February 24, 2010

The tool makes things so see. No un- compatibility problems from now on.

Chandan - February 24, 2010

Thanks for the tips. Often I face the problem as my friend has 2007 and I am using 2003. Now I will be able to change it without worrying.

Have a great time 🙂

Vista Performance - February 25, 2010

This is a great tips. Thank you for sharing it.

Suhasini - February 26, 2010

This article will certainly help many people who still use 97-03 edition of windows. Thanks for sharing.

Mark - September 10, 2010

Great tool! Quick, easy. Much appreciated!

Farmville - October 21, 2010

Thanks for sharing the tool! I’m always having trouble opening docx files. Thanks again!

Alen - July 18, 2012

You can also convert docx to rtf and open in Office application. Try as the converter.


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