Create HTML Email Signatures in Gmail with WiseStamp
Adding HTML email signature is not allowed by Gmail, but still it is possible with the help of a small browser plugin. WiseStamp is a browser plugin that can be used with browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, Flock and Thunderbird. It is easy to use and once configured, can be embedded easily into the email.
Features of WiseStamp
Once installed it resides at the bottom right corner of the browser. You can right click Edit Signature and make template of your signature that can be used later. It allows you to select two signature categories personal and business which can be filled and used separately. You can also add all social profiles and IM you are in. There is a RSS option which if configured displays the latest post link below your signature.
You can enable or disable automatic integration of the signature in your mail, by default there will be a WiseStamp promo link shown below the signature which can be removed.
The signature profiles can be selected easily by right clicking on the WiseStamp button.
My Verdict
This is very useful browser plugin for Gmail users who were missing this facility and is also easy to use and makes work easier.
Download Wise Stamp