Delete files & folders showing Could not Find or Access denied message

Its more often when you are confronted with a pop up window saying “Could not find this item” or “Access Denied” while deleting certain folder or files on Hard Disk Drives. It is very annoying but now you can easily deal with such situation and delete or remove those stubborn files and folders safely and easily.

Unlocker is a tiny application which can handle any such file or folder showing Access Denied message. It can Delete, Rename or Move such files instantly. Let’s see this in an example: I had a Folder named “Resources..” which I was unable to delete as it was showing “Could not find this item” message.

delete access denied folder files

How to Force Delete Files and Folders showing “Access Denied” Message

  1. Download Unlocker application.
  2. Browse and select the folder you want to Delete / Remove / Rename or Move
    delete access denied folder
  3. Choose the operation you want to perform on selected File or Folder and Press OK
    delete access denied folder
  4. You have successfully deleted File or Folder showing Access Denied Message.
    delete access denied folder

P.S. – This query was raised by one of Blogsolute reader Rajendra Nath Mehrotra who wanted to deleted certain Files and Folders with NTFS filetype. You too can suggest a tip or ask a question or query by dropping me an email.

Rajendra Nath Mehrotra

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 5 comments
Ruchi - February 11, 2010

Nice trick..I was not aware that we can delete the files so easily. Thanks for sharing.

Premium WP Themes - February 13, 2010

Hey this is cool tips. I never heard about this SW so far. Thanks for sharing!

Osama - July 24, 2010

I will try it

pirate - February 12, 2011

amazing….it really works……thnxx buddy

Karthik - June 14, 2011

Thanks a lot friends. 🙂


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