Facebook Deactivate vs Delete: Know the Difference and How To Do It

Almost everyone has been infected by the Facebook fever that has gripped the entire world. Such a time has come that people prefer to update their status with what they are up to, rather than tell their friend who called five minutes earlier.

A significant percentage of peoples’ lives each day be it updating their status, sharing photos or videos, getting in touch with their friends or plain old time-pass with games or apps.(Farmville or Cityville anyone?)

The masses are with Facebook, but there are a few others who are really not interested in all the features that Facebook has to offer and are irritated by the constant mails from their friends regarding game invites and status updates.

They had jumped on the Facebook bandwagon along with their friends, but are now regretting it. This article shows you how to deactivate and even delete your Facebook account.

Deactivate Facebook Account (Temporary Delete)

Login your Facebook account.

Go to Account -> Account Settings.

Click on Deactivate.

A new page will open which shows the people who will miss 😀 you on Facebook. Give your reason for deactivating your account.

Check the box for not receiving any more mails from Facebook and click on Confirm.

Your account has now been deactivated. This is however a superficial measure. Your account is still on Facebook along with all your personal data, it’s just not being used right now. A deactivated account can be reactivated at any time.

[alert-success] How to get over Facebook Addiction [/alert-success]

Delete Facebook Permanently

If you want a more permanent measure such as deleting your Facebook account, go here.

Click Submit and you will be asked for re-entering password followed by Captcha. Now, account should be deleted in 14 days. Not really Facebook needs two weeks to delete your data from their servers. But, I think 14 days are given as grace period by Facebook just to test out your temptation. If at all, by chance or your addiction, you login to Facebook from any device, they gain a customer back.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 6 comments
saivenkatesh - February 7, 2011

I have facebook account sir my account was not open plz help me

    Siddharth - February 7, 2011

    If you can please clarify by what you mean by your account was not open. Have you forgotten your password? Then click on the link Forgot your password on the Facebook login page.

vijay hardas - July 11, 2012

As per u’r instruction I’ve completed my homework Thanx for the help I’ll let u know the progress

Nilesh Govindrajan - February 18, 2013

Notoriously, it seems they retain your data forever in case they get stuck in legal issues. So basically there’s no full wipe of your fb profile.

    Rohit Langde - February 19, 2013

    Yeah, after going Public, company went real Crazy!


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