Deny Permission to Access Files and Folders with File Secret

There are many software that provide file and folder locking utilities but very few of them are free. Protecting our files from unauthorized access is important some times and we may need a quick solution. For thisĀ  purpose FileSecrets is a good free utility that can be used to secure your files.

FileSecrets is easy to use with no additional configurations required. It works basically by disabling access privileges to any user including the system administrator and this access cannot be gained manually from windows settings.

It consists of one main window which includes a section where all included protected files are shown with type of action on it. In the add new section you can add new files or folders and set actions for it. The are three types of actions that can be applied.

  • DENYACCESS– This action denies any user from accessing the files.
  • DENYMODIFY– This will let users see the file or folder but they cannot change the files making modifications.
  • HIDEME– Hides the file from the system, these files will remain hidden till it is not selected to be shown from FileSecrets.

After you are done with these options press the add button to apply the selected action on the files. If you want to disable all applied actions on files you can press disable button selecting the files.

You can apply a password to this application, so that only you can open it. You can also choose a .bmp image file to be shown on the password box. This application also has windows shell integration support so that you can easily access it with a single mouse click.

My Verdict: This is very useful application and it supports all versions of windows above windows 98. When the dialog box says- “Permission Access is Denied” and doesn’t asks for password, its hard to guess whether its a system error or programed encryption.

Download: FileSecret

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