Download individual files from RAR ZIP archive

On the Internet, Compressed files are generally preferred then they may be in RAR or ZIP format. Sometimes, you may not want the full archive but a single individual file. For that you will need to download full archive then extract it locally. However, LoadScout has a solution for your problem which allows you to extract files remotely, it means without actually downloading it.

This application allows us to explore the content of RAR and ZIP files and then download only the items that you need, without having to download the file. To do this we simply have to run LoadScout and click “Open URL“. We will see a dialog box in which we must enter the address of the required ZIP or RAR file.


Once done, you can explore and navigate within the compressed file and to your computer only the elements you need simply by clicking the right button and select “Extract.” There is also an option called “Extract all“, which directly download all the files in the Compressed file(and we avoid the work of extracting them manually)

In addition, LoadScout is integrated into the context menu of Internet Explorer, avoiding the work of opening the application to enter the URL of the ZIP or RAR file (if you use Microsoft’s browser, of course).

Download Loadscout

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Chris - May 22, 2010

you can try

nothing to download, web based


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