Download specific Tagged Photos from Facebook Albums into ZIP or PDF
Are you Social? If the answer is Yes then, you may be having your photos uploaded on Facebook either uploaded by you or your friends. Here is a Tool to download all those photos or the specific photos in which you were tagged (labeled) or you were present. It also supports download photos from entire Albums.
Pick & Zip is a free online application that allows you to download all photos on Facebook where we are tagged or one of the friend was tagged. Login to application using Facebook credentials and it will show the list of all our contacts. Hit “Find my Pictures” button and download all or selected photos from the right pane in ZIP package or PDF document.
Before downloading, we may review the selected images. If we decide to lower, the service we prefer to ask which format: ZIP, the individual images within, or PDF, all images within a document. The same method can be used to download photos from our contacts. We can also download entire albums at once, but only one at a time.
The service works as it name says, just Pick and ZIP. A very practical application to make your job easier to download and then print certain photos or send via email.
Link Pick n Zip