How to Edit Youtube Videos online from official Video Editor

YouTube has recently released a new video editor that lets you edit the videos you have already uploaded. You can trim individual clips and then arrange them in a timeline. There is also an option to change the background music using YouTube’s commercial AudioSwap library of licensed songs.

Follow these simple steps to get started.

1. Log-in to your YouTube account and go to the following link.

2. Select from your already uploaded videos to edit or mix together. Click the “+” sign on the top right corner of each video thumbnail you want to edit. They will appear in the ‘storyboard’.

YouTube Video Editor Interface

3. Cut down each video by clicking on the scissor icon.

Edit The Clip

4. Drag both the left and right bar suitably to select your preferred portion.

Video Editing Process

5. Click the “Save” button and repeat the process for other clips also.

6. Click the “Audio” tab and adjust the background music accordingly.

7. Give a title to the newly created clip and click the “Publish” button to finish your job.

Newly Created Clip

We have already seen list of Useful Youtube Online tools to perform various operations but now Youtube has brought this feature natively.

YouTube has recently released a new video editor that lets you edit the videos you have already uploaded. You can trim individual clips and then arrange them in a timeline. There is also an option to change the background music using YouTube’s commercial AudioSwap library of licensed songs.

Follow these simple steps to get started.

Log-in to your YouTube account and go to the following link.

Select from your already uploaded videos to edit or mix together. Click the “+” sign on the top right corner of each video thumbnail you want to edit. They will appear in the ‘storyboard’.

Cut down each video by clicking on the scissor icon. Drag both the left and right bar suitably to select your preferred portion.

Click the “Save” button and repeat the process for other clips also.

Click the “Audio” tab and adjust the background music accordingly.

Give a title to the newly created clip and click the “Publish” button to finish your job.

Now, share it with your friends and enjoy!

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