How To Enable SSL Encryption / HTTPS on Yahoo! Mail Account
Better late than never. Yahoo email account holder can now activate SSL encryption on their accounts. It is another layer of privacy protection while accessing email inbox from web. HTTPS is enabled by default on other email services like Gmail and Outlook but Yahoo! makes it optional.
It is recommended that you activate SSL on your Yahoo! email account. If you don’t access email using HTTPS secured connection, anybody in your network can read you emails. Using this feature, all your data to and from server will be in encrypted form so no one can hack into and access your information easily. Whereas, if it is not HTTPS, everything is readable as it is in non-encrypted format.
How to Activate SSL on Yahoo! Mail
- Login to Yahoo Mail account
- Click on Gear icon on right to Access Mail options
- Under General, you will find “Turn on SSL” at the bottom.
- Check the box and hit Save button on top.
Yahoo! email page will be reloaded now and address bar will show a HTTPS instead of just HTTP. In Firefox, you will notice a lock symbol which signifies secure connection (Watch the video for details).
We have previously stressed on the importance of HTTPS connection to website dealing with personal stuffs. Like recommending you to enable HTTPS on Twitter, Google and Facebook or use HTTPS Everywhere to enable secure connection on all websites you browse.
One thing, I didn’t like about Yahoo! is that they haven’t made it compulsory by default. Things like Email accounts are personal so, everyone needs a secure access to it. Many users won’t activate on their own unless notified or made it default.
If you are Yahoo! mail user, make sure to follow the tutorial video on implementing SSL on Yahoo! email account to enable HTTPS.