Facebook Group Video Chat : Multiple Video Chat on Facebook Hangout

Facebook Video Chat already created a buzz which was said to be an answer to Google Plus Hangout. The Skype powered Facebook Video chat allowed us to have 1 on 1 chat while Google+ Hangout allowed involvement of multiple profiles. In similar way, Social Hangout allows us to have Group Video chat on Facebook.

Social Hangouts is a 3rd party Facebook Application offering group video chat facility with your Facebook Friends upto 20 at a time.

Group Video Chat Facebook

To begin with, go to Social Hangout Application > Invite your friends with whom you want to chat and start. Camera screen will soon fetch your video and other video windows will be activated as soon as your friends start joining the video chat room.

Facebook isn’t offering this feature officially (at the moment though proposed) but thanks to Apps like this are in favor of Facebook giving a silent answer to Google+ Hangout.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 3 comments
Ajaypratap Sidhu - July 22, 2011

Fantastic move by Facebook,at last they have video chat now.

Sumit - July 22, 2011

i dont find this a prblm, as a blogger I want traffic in ma website and need visitors.. if u find the info valuable then its not a big deal to open it in a new window and read the content completely!

thnks Rohit for the info 😉

    Siddhant - July 24, 2011

    But if u give the facility of reading d info direclty in d email as before , it will create simplicity for d users and will help u get better off than other websites by making ur email service user worthy by using innovatitve ideas….


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