Generate Fake Facebook Status / Conversation Comments with Real Photo

Recently we wrote about Fake Tweets Generators which generated fake tweets from any user account. In similar fashion, I would like to share web service which can generate Fake Facebook Status Conversation with Real Comments and Profile Picture.

Fake Facebook Conversations can be used to have fun with your friends and acquaintances by adding them to your Facebook wall.

How to Generate Fake Facebook Conversation?

Fake Convos is a Web service is infact an interesting webware which generates Fake conversation on Facebook with same design and interface as real as facebook.

This includes same font and disply style of facebook with real Display Picture of user on Facebook. To make it look more real, Fake Convo adds some extras like ” 23 Hours ago via Facebook for Android ” with “7 Likes”

To begin with, Enter the Name of Commentor on left side followed by Image URL which can be obtained from Facebook itself. Fake Convo provides some set of Image or you can grab from facebook friend list by allowing Facebook Convo to access your account.

Fake Facebook Status Generator

Add the Status / Comment to the box below and click on Add to Stream. That’s all. In this way, any number of comments can be added with different profile names and Photos.

This is what I created in few seconds using Fake Convos.

Fake Facebook Conversation Generator

There are other similar services like FacebookQuotes which claim to does same thing but the results doesn’t look no real with Blurred Display Picture and unreal background design.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 13 comments
John Lawry - April 15, 2011

Nice one. Well, its not well secured as fb cannot recognize the fake post and block them. Fake account also make a disturbance in life. But it has to be identified for the security of the fb users.

    Rohit Langde - April 15, 2011

    This one has nothing attached to Facebook directly. No fake account is created. It’s just a image which is outcome of the app which can be shared on wall. That’s it.

Daniel - April 16, 2011

How can I get pass that survey shit?

    Rohit Langde - April 16, 2011

    Where are you finding surveys? yeah, sometimes full page appears but you can press SKIP at top right corner.

      Daniel - April 16, 2011

      I think it only happens if you login with your facebook account (in other word, go to the website and create or login with your facebook account)

      However if I log out, it all fine (beside clicking on skip ads)

        Rohit Langde - April 16, 2011

        Logging in to facebook gives you access to Friends’ Photos and Names. Instead of Logging in, you can grab their Profile Photo’s Image location manually and avoid surveys 🙂

Prem @ Indiaspider - April 16, 2011

Wow… Superb apps………..But Itz Not Working Dude 🙂

John Albert - April 16, 2011

Be real the community does not reward fakers specially twitter and facebook.

mike - May 7, 2011

looks like i could have alot of fun wit this lol

John Lawry - June 4, 2011

I’ve reported too many times and also some of my friend did it for blocking/ removing the profile picture of an account. But the Facebook team never inform me or nothing they could do. I hate faker and nudity in facebook.

assian - July 25, 2011

Also, check out the new

John Lawry - August 10, 2011

It only happens if you login with your facebook account That means go to the website and create or login with your facebook account.However if I log out, it all fine beside clicking on skip ads.By the way, Thanks for the post.

Pritam Patil - June 21, 2013

But I am not able to publish fake status on facebook..:( how to do that ???


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