Generate Fake Facebook Status / Conversation Comments with Real Photo
Recently we wrote about Fake Tweets Generators which generated fake tweets from any user account. In similar fashion, I would like to share web service which can generate Fake Facebook Status Conversation with Real Comments and Profile Picture.
Fake Facebook Conversations can be used to have fun with your friends and acquaintances by adding them to your Facebook wall.
How to Generate Fake Facebook Conversation?
Fake Convos is a Web service is infact an interesting webware which generates Fake conversation on Facebook with same design and interface as real as facebook.
This includes same font and disply style of facebook with real Display Picture of user on Facebook. To make it look more real, Fake Convo adds some extras like ” 23 Hours ago via Facebook for Android ” with “7 Likes”
To begin with, Enter the Name of Commentor on left side followed by Image URL which can be obtained from Facebook itself. Fake Convo provides some set of Image or you can grab from facebook friend list by allowing Facebook Convo to access your account.
Add the Status / Comment to the box below and click on Add to Stream. That’s all. In this way, any number of comments can be added with different profile names and Photos.
This is what I created in few seconds using Fake Convos.
There are other similar services like FacebookQuotes which claim to does same thing but the results doesn’t look no real with Blurred Display Picture and unreal background design.