Tweet from any Twitter User account | Fake Tweets Generators

We have already seen Funny April Fool Apps for Android and here are some Fun web service which lets you tweet from any Twitter User account. Ofcourse, they are Fake tweets resembling real tweet from specific user.

Fake Tweet Forge


What you have to do is write the Twitter account name or Twitter Handle through which you want to tweet. Then Write you tweet. Clicking on Forge Tweet Button will give you a link to fake tweet.

Visit: TweetForger

Fake Whale

This is almost same as above but problem is there in Result Page which shows FakeWhale Logo instead of Twitter. Change of Logo makes it easy to catch the prank but still effective at very forst instance.

Visit: FakeWhale

Fake Tweet Builder

Not just Twitter Handle and Tweet, but Fake Tweet Builder gives you options to customize Twitter Client, Number of Users ReTweeted it, etc which makes it more real.

The Result page is just not real but you have to use the Image generated which is pretty cool and has almost REAL appearance as Twitter.

Visit: Fake Tweet Builder

Obviously, the tweets you generate aren’t actually from the user timeline but they appear to be same and enough to fool the person at first instance.

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