Fix Common Errors on Windows 7 Explorer or damaged due to Virus attack
There are few problems or error message that we keep getting while working on our systems almost every. These problems are small but may restrict our work at that point. for instance some registry error messages, windows media player error, windows explorer errors etc, hinders our work time to time. There are many applications to solve these small problems and registry errors individually but FixWin can perform almost all windows fixes in no time.
FixWin is a windows portable freeware application that can fix almost all common errors in windows. It can offer these fixes by detecting the operating system it is installed on. It is extremely easy to use and contains all fixes under specific categories like windows explorer, internet & connectivity, Windows media, System tools, Additional fixes.
This application can be used for internet explorer fixes, Various windows explorer fixes like missing icons, thumbnail errors and many more. The wide category of fixes provided by FixWin makes it a must have application for all home and professional users to keep their operating systems error free in few clicks.
Download: FixWin