Free ChatBox Generators for Blog Websites
There are lots of things which can make your blog perfect for your visitors, similarly chatbox are also very important and useful tool for all bloggers. You can engage your blog readers with each others, and you can also communicate with them using these chatbox.
This will help both your blog readers and your self, because you can easily know about the opinion of your readers about your blog. You can also get feedbacks from your readers using these chat boxes.
Today I want to share list of some useful chatbox for all blogging platforms.
1. Zoho Chat:- Chat with your blog readers using zoho chat. You can use your yahoo,MSN, Jabber, AIM and Google ID. Zoho also provide you live chat, shout box, group chat, multi protocol support and adding calender events.
Visitor on Website doesn’t just have to give his name and start chatting right away. Also, multiple people can be handled at a time.

Chat Box at Webmaster’s End

Generate Chat Box Embed Code
2. User Plan:- Get a free chatbox for your blog and add in your blog. You can also buy paid one, but if free is available then why paid one. It has a very rich environment. I personally like this one, you can also try User Plan for free.
3. Meebo Me:- Just like other chat boxes Meebo Me is also a very useful chatbox which you can add in your blog. Different sizes are available, for example 160x250px, 190x250px or you can create your own customize chatbox for your blog. Readers can easily use this chatbox to send or leave message on your blog.
4. C Box:- C Box is the most popular and useful chatbox among all other chat boxeses. This is completely free to use, and free version provide you allot of features like message history, chatbox customization, message security etc.
5. Chat Roll:- This is also a very enhance and interactive chatbox. Over 50,000 leading publishers use Chatroll because of its great features.You can also try ChatRoll for free.
Alternatively, you can add GTalk on Blogger based Blogspot blogs or any other website.
I hope this list will help you to make your blog more attractive for your readers. Don’t forget to share your comments about your favorite Chatbox.