Free OpenVPN service with 100 GB / month Bandwidth and 1 GBPS Port

OpenVPN is a open source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities.

Hostizzle is a new VPN service that offers commercial and free VPN service, it uses OpenVPN client, so you have to download client before you use it.

Impressive thing about this service is that it offers 100 GB Bandwidth transfer per month in free account which is enough I guess.

You don’t have to register so no management of Username and Password but you have to give email address which is necessary to get unique code.

1) Download and install the OpenVPN client for your operating system at The OpenVPN page
2) Copy all the files from this zip file to the OpenVPN /config directory. On a Windows machine, this will be at C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config. You will need a new filename for “Client.ovpn” for each certificate set you install. For example, you can have client.ovpn and client2.ovpn installed on the same machine, but not two copies of client.ovpn, even in different directories.

Run the OpenVPN client, then right click on the tray icon and select ‘connect.’ The VPN client connects automatically and routes all your IP traffic over the secure connection.

This certificate is valid for thirty days. You will have to return to to renew the certificate.

Site: Hostizzle

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 10 comments
sawan - January 24, 2011

cann’t give option for connect , only showing the openvpn gui shortcut.please help me

    Rohit Langde - January 24, 2011

    Near Tray Icon set, right click and then connect.

anil - January 24, 2011

can u help me coz i did not get it thanks u

    sandeep - March 16, 2011

    coz u hv not extracted config files in open vpn’s config folder

sandeep - March 16, 2011

rohit bro can u provide open vpn config file on udp port 53
other than airvpn,hostizzle,

coz hey sucks.

they only provide max . 500kbps transfer rate

Max - March 29, 2011

Error: Cannot connect to server!
I renamed it to client.ovpn but I have error in connection

karthikesavan - September 2, 2011

Bro can u say how to connect UDP 53 port using hostizzle .. Because when getting config file , there it has only TCP Proto & TCP ports , but when change to UDP proto & Port 53 its not getting connected ?

PLs Help !!!

Kwaku - September 16, 2011

Please can i get solution to unlock or open port 53 on vodafone vpn

manish - November 11, 2011

its cannot giving option for connect , only its giving option as (proxy setting,about ,exit) please help me….

Mick - January 14, 2012

You also could find the VPN Watcher software usefull. It prevents all the controlled applications of sending any data to internet while your VPN connection is down.


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