Genie Timeline Professional 2012 Review: Complete Backup Solution

I haven’t used any backup since long time; last one I used was Acronis True Image. Most of the people don’t bother about taking backup or ignore it because software are difficult to configure. This isn’t the case with Genie Timeline PRO 2012, interface is simple and easy even for first time user.

Genie Timeline is a continuous data backup software for Windows with a Metro UI to blend with latest Windows 8 appearance.

genie timeline pro 2012

How to configure Backups with Genie Timeline PRO

To create a new backup, you need to go through 3 step process.

1. Choose backup destination– Drive where backups will be saved. Any existing Hard Disk partition, USB storage device or Network drive can be selected. No option of backing up data in cloud and even FTP isn’t supported.

2. Select what Data to be backed up– I really loved this interface where almost all possible file types and data types are specified. Genie offers 14 common backup types here, which you can select by just checking a box (Office Files, Pictures, Emails, Music, Videos, Bookmarks, synced iPhone/ iPad/ iPod/ Blackberry files, and more).

genie timeline pro 2012 backup type

It is not necessary to choose files by its type but you may also get the traditional ‘My Computer’ directory interface.

If there are files you don’t want to be protected you can drag and drop them into the folder that will be created on your desktop called, “No-Backup Zone.”

3. Select Advanced options (optional)- You may set backup data to be saved in encrypted form (256 bit military grade) or compressed to save space.

genie timeline pro 2012 options

That’s it. Now, everything will be automatically backed up by genie. This is a continuous backup software so, no need to set schedule or anything. Genie will keep monitoring the files all the time in background and backup when notice changes in it.

How often files are backed up?

Software is programmed to backup files every 8 hours by default. But, I would recommend using intelliCDP which means Intelligent Continuous Data Protection. Using this option, genie itself decides backup intervals based on file types and size of course maintaining the performance of  system.

Disaster Recovery

The disaster recovery features are outstanding and the continuous data backup of this program make it simple to recover system and program files. These are the files which would are so important without which computer won’t even boot up.

If Windows won’t start for some reason, boot from the Disaster Recovery environment, you’ll see your recent backups, and restoring one of these should get your PC up and running again.

How to Restore

Restoring from backup is just one click job. You may select restore from Timeline Explorer or the traditional explorer.

Genie Timeline Professional continuously monitor changes in files you have selected and backup. It preserves version of files according to time.

Timeline explorer is basically a time based explorer where files according to time when they were backed up. Points in green color are given which on clicking gives file information at that time.


Genie Timeline Professional 2012 has really impressed me. If you are looking for quick, efficient and easy backup software, Genie is for you. Once installed, it is just one time configuring and rest all will be taken care of by Genie Timeline Professional 2012. It supports Windows 8 and block level backup like rsync.

Ease of use is an important thing which will attract many users. It does what it says in a simple manner.

Download Full functional Trial Version or Buy now from here.

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