Google Adsense is losing popularity

Google Adsense was supposed to be the God of PPC program, it became popular like hell and dominated the pay per click advertising for many years. But, in today’s date, blogger is exposed to so many PPC advertising programs with attractive CPM and less restrictions. Google should now realize that they are not alone in this race.

After being successful, they treat their publishers like anything. Moreover they have so many restrictions on Placement of ads, type of content,etc,etc.

How they enjoy disabling publisher account?

Before placing and Adsense unit, blogger/publisher has to think twice because their is no guarantee that you will survive, you can get banned at anytime. If you get increased/invalid click, you get banned, putting ad below post title may lead to disablement. There are many chances of getting disablement. After getting banned, there is no use of appealing or no chance of getting your money back.

I’m feared that Google will ban me for writing such a post. [:)]

Bloggers are now moving towards other competitive PPC programs like Adbrite, Widgetbucks and Bidvertiser which pays more than this and performing well on the network. That’s why Google has lowered their PIN sending amount from $50 to $10. It means that Google is making good efforts to be in the race and also it has to face the competition of newly emerged Microsoft + Yahoo. Hope that, their customer relations will be better than before.

At last, I would like to say that “Google is Google.” I still have trust on Google because this is the only company which paid me in my six month’s blogging journey. I believe in Google and they will surely make up for the upcoming race.

So guys, what do you think, Are you also the publisher of Adsense? Or got banned once or twice like me, make your comments here.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 21 comments
Living on Adsense - February 5, 2008

I am constantly worried about getting banned from Adsense. I feel like I am always walking on eggshells to ensure that I actually get paid [of course I haven’t actually been paid yet).

I am never quite sure how google views my blog considering my content is solely about adsense.

Rohit Langde - February 5, 2008

Google treat their publishers as stupid slaves.
But, now is the time they should realize the present competition and treat well their publishers.

You don’t worry, I saw your blog- there is nothing in the content violating policies of the program. Rest all is dependent upon their lookout.

soundtrackgeek - February 6, 2008

I have been using adsense since my blog started, but I’m not having great success with it. I’m not worried about getting banned though. I might want to try other ad networks, but I’ll keep adsense for now.

Rohit Langde - February 6, 2008

Yes, I too have a strong belief on Google Adsense, you can try other ad-networks afterwards as you wish.

AngryJed - February 9, 2008

Adsense has been a complete waste of time. I have never got a payment and it seems that you have to trick people into clicking an ad – which happens once in a while.

Rohit Langde - February 9, 2008

I seems that you are totally against Adsense but Adsense proved to be more intelligent in terms of placing relevant ads than any other PPC program.
Still, I’m also unhappy with the lowering adsense income.

Microsoft Publisher Templates - February 23, 2008

I found your blog via Google while searching for microsoft publisher templates and your post regarding e Adsense is losing popularity – The Webdale looks very interesting to me. I have seen many sites before and most of them do not look this good. I cannot wait to let my friends know about this site. Thanks for the excellent content.

ramnirup - March 2, 2008

yes ur correct saying that adsense is losing popularity as it is gives only very less income

Rohit Langde - March 2, 2008

@ Microsoft Publisher Templates
Thanks for the compliment.
I would be glad if you tell your friends and all about this blog.
Keep visiting.

hello - March 15, 2008

Can anyboby tell me an advertising network better than google

Rohit Langde - March 15, 2008

If you have read the whole post their are the names (links) given for PPC networks (Adbrite, Bidvertiser, Widgetbucks, YPN and Tyroo) other than Google Adsense.

Seth - June 14, 2008

My favorite is WidgetBucks. I’ve been earning almost twice as much with WidgetBucks compared to AdSense. Plus, the ads are optimized for WordPress, Blogger, and even TypePad. Check out this WidgetBucks review for some more info.

Daniel - June 15, 2008

I read similar article also named Adsense is losing popularity | Blog Solute, and it was completely different. Personally, I agree with you more, because this article makes a little bit more sense for me

dji samsoe - June 16, 2008

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Luke Zet - October 10, 2008

I think Adsense id still a powerful company holding almost every kind of control over the people who are using internet. Now when Google Chrome is created there is a less chance that advertisers will ever run from them. And the same with publishers about 70% of PPC ad publishers Still use adsense.

Rohan - October 14, 2008

I think the idea behind the Adroll PPC program is awesome and I liked it very much. Check it out @

LGONTE - May 13, 2009

Google banned my blog from which I was getting around $700.00!
The reason? put a picture of a model posing. She was topless but I COVERED ALL WITH A BLACK SQUARE!!
Google banned me ๐Ÿ™

    Rohit Langde - May 13, 2009

    @LGONTE, That’s ridiculous about Google’s treatment. I really feel sorry for you.

Gopi - February 12, 2013

Hi ,

You said “putting ad below post title may lead to disablement.” then you placed ads below your title. Can you share the reason.


    Rohit Langde - February 14, 2013

    Hi Gopi,
    In 2009, I was told by someone that Adsense below Title may lead to disablement. But then, I received a call from my Adsense Manager suggesting new position of Ad below title for more revenue. That’s the reason behind it.

Sam - September 27, 2013

what is adsense manager? Will google guide you how to keep ads in your website


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