Hack Nokia S60v5 and S60v3 Phones when HelloOX is not Working
Symbian phones are well known for their versatility for application support. Apart from just having vast application availability, there are also many modifications available to the software environment which lets you improve your phone performance and add additional features to it. But you will no be able to perform all these operations just with a newly bought Symbian. Nokia restricts users from having full access to its files which is required to implement some mods and install various applications. Hence the phone is needed to be Hacked.
Well, there are many applications that can be installed by signing them with your personal key and certificate, but some applications may simply not work by this method. Till date the simplest method known to hack symbian phones was HelloOX, which is a small application that can automatically hack your phone in few easy steps.
In recent times it is seen that many S60V5 and V3 phones became unhackable by HelloOX due to upgrade in firmware version. Users can easily find this out as HelloOx gets stuck in “Installing Root Certificates” stage. This was the situation with me having Nokia 5235. So here I will share another method to hack your phones which is actually flashing it. It sounds bit tough but believe me it is not so.
First of all I would like to thanks Dailymobile forum members Oreo27 and Xlife18 for helping me out through the whole process. Now lets take a look at the things that you need to do before flashing your Nokia Phone.
- Your Phone model, software version and RM i.e RM- 588 in my case (*#0000#).
- Go to Dailymobile forum register there(free registration required for posting comments) and click Here to visit the thread.
- Search for your model and firmware version there on the first page, if you do not find it just leave a request and the thread main page will be updated within a day or sooner.
- As you get your model and version listed in the thread, download the file(uda) and save it for later reference. If you have nokia 5235 go for same version files of Nokia 5230 and so till the RM version is same.
- Visit the site Btusers and download the firmware version for your device selecting it by the RM version. This is an important step, select the version for your country else after flashing you may not find the appropriate language to work with. You may also find firmwares with same product ID for your region but one with 7 files and other with 8 files. You may download any one with them as they only differ in color variants. Files will be named as listed below( version will be according to your model).
RM588_0599208_12.6.092_001.vpl (4.87 kB)
RM-588_12.6.092_prd.core.C00 (89.08 MB)
RM-588_12.6.092_prd.rofs2.V22 (31.10 MB)
RM-588_12.6.092_C01_prd.rofs3.fpsx (6.16 MB)
RM588_12.6.092_006_000_U001.uda.fpsx (5.33 MB)
RM588_0599208_12.6.092_001.dcp (14.89 kB)
RM588_0599208_12.6.092_001.spr (2.37 kB)
RM588_0599208_12.6.092_001_signature.bin (1.86 kB)
- After you have downloaded all these files 50% of work is done. Now you have to download Jaf, Pkey emulator and latest INI files. These download links can be found in the forum main post. I had tried to use phoenix also but Jaf is much easier to use and worked fine for me.
- One thing you must note that Jaf works properly in Windows Xp, I have tried to work with it on Windows 7 but it did not work even in compatibility mode. So advance users can use Virtual Work station to install Xp or just use a friends computer with Xp on it if you are not much comfortable with Virtual Workstation. For people doing it on virtual windows, please do not minimize the virtual window and run Jaf because in doing so jaf will give error while starting. So press ALT+CTRL+ENTER to go to fullscreen then restart xp and start Jaf again.
- As you are done with installation of Jaf, install Nokia Pc suit in xp if you have not got it and connect your phone once so that the drivers get installed.
- Now replace the file “RM588_12.6.092_006_000_U001.uda.fpsx” with the file that was provided for your model in the forum. Just rename the file to the name given in the original firmware package and put all the files creating a folder RM-588, this will again differ according to your model RM.
- Create folders as given c:\program files\Nokia\Phoenix\products\RM-588. This RM-588 is the one you created in the previous step.
- Now run Jaf as instructed in the forum through the Pkey emulator, ignore any warning messages.
- Run Jaf in BB5 as it is used for flashing S60V3 and V5 phones.
- Tick on Manual Flash, Dead USB, remove tick from CRT 308 (else you will get IMEI back up error), then tick on use INI.
- Ticking on use INI will bring up a window from where you can select RM for your phone.
- After you have finished previous step click on Flash button on rght hand side, you will get a warning. At this point switch off your phone and connect it to the computer via usb cable then press ok.
- When the application says “searching for phone” press the power button of phone for half second. Well for nokia 5235 I have noted that the pressing time is bit more. If after pressing the power button nothing happens try altering the time of pressing, I had succeeded in this step after many tries.
- Once the Phone is found it will be automatically flashed.
As the phone is flashed and you get Done message from Jaf, open the cable and take out phone battery, then restart again. Your phone will start like the first time.
Now You need to copy these two patches to E:\Patches(i.e create Patches foder in root of memory card) and then go to Menu-> Apps-> Installed apps->RomPatcher+. When you open rompatcher+ you will find two patches i.e Install Server RP+ and Open4All RP+, double tap on them and they will be enabled and turn to green. Install Server RP+ patch is for installing unsigned applications and Open4All RP+ patch is to access phone system folders i.e c:\sys\bin. You can also download Rompatcher2.3+ and install it. Then from options add the patches to auto, this will enable you to automatically patch phone on every restart, if it do not work you can do it manually after every restart. After this your phone is totally hacked.
Note: I have tested this on Nokia 5235 and I have done the exact same things as above. If you find any trouble or difficulty in performing these steps please ask here or in the forum thread. Taking any steps without understanding may leave your phone dead forever. Go through all the comments in the forum thread to get clear understanding of problems and their solutions that other people had.