How to Apply Custom Wallpapers Automatically on Weather Change

Windows 7 has a in-built feature to rotate desktop wallpapers when a bunch of wallpapers is given to it. This can be done with control over time interval in which wallpapers are rotated.

If you are not satisfied with just changing the wallpapers automatically and want more then Weather Desktop Background Changer is a good utility to give a try.

Weather Desktop Background Changer is a portable freeware application only for windows 7. It is easy to use and has a simple interface. Only thing that you have to do is changing or providing it with a location. People living in USA can directly select their location.

Once the location is set you can view weather conditions on application window. Now, this application has a background folder and can be found in the downloaded directory. There are several wallpapers in that folder which specifies a particular whether condition.

You can replace these wallpapers with you own wallpapers, hence from next time for that weather condition the image you replaced will be displayed as wallpaper. There are also options to fit the wallpaper on screen i.e fill, fit, stretch, tile and center.

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