How To Hide Specific Photos and Videos From Android Gallery
Many of us, or I must say, almost all of us have images and videos on our Android devices, we want hidden from other people. By default there is no option to exclude a specific folder from gallery, you can password protect your files using some application from the market but none comes with out a hefty price tag.
Yesterday night I was doing some research on my Samsung Galaxy S and got a superb idea as to how you can hide a folder from Gallery and stock file manager. The application used in this process is free to download from market.
1) Astro File Manager
- As stock File Manager for Android is not adequate to do the trick, download and Install Astro File Manager from market. The application is free to download and use.
- Now select the Folder you want to hide from the gallery and long press on it. Suggest to create a new folder and later import all your private data in it.
- On the File Options popup menu, tap on edit and select rename.
- While renaming just put a period(.) in front of the folder and confirm.
- From now on that folder will be treated as system folder and will be hidden from your Gallery and stock File manager.
- Now just import all your private files and folders into that folder using Astro File Manager and live a tension free life.
2) ES File Explorer
This method can be also used to hide private videos and Photos from Gallery. You just have to give signal to Android system which Folders shouldn’t be scanned for Media Files, that’s it.
You need ES File Explorer installed on Phone.
Now, Open the directory whose files you want to hide from Gallery using ES File Explorer. Create New file and name it as .nomedia
All set, now reboot your phone and Media Scanner will not scan these folders and no more those files will be shown up in Gallery.