How to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [SP1]

Windows 7 Public Beta SP 1 is now available for download officially. This is a minor update which includes all previously publicly released updates for Windows 7. Microsoft continues to collect feedback from users and try to make changes accordingly and bring updates but some updates are not listed. These all updates will some additional enhancements are packaged into Windows 7 Service Pack 1.

After installing, don’t expect any change in the interface but there are numerous fixes on Remote Support, HDMI connectivity and third party communication.This update brings range of features for Remote Desktop such as the ability to optimally use of video with synchronized audio with precision, 3D graphics, animation, Silverlight and the full potential of Aero interface.

The other update is called Dynamic Memory, a feature aimed at optimizing memory usage by virtual servers created by Hyper-V. The system administrator can use Dynamic Memory dynamically allocated for the various virtual guests a greater or lesser amount of RAM, depending on the workload at which they are subjected. The configuration change does not cause any interruption of service, and therefore allows to maximize the number of virtual servers that may be provided by a single physical machine with lots of memory available, relying on an automatic mechanism that can deploy and re-allocated according required.

If you are interested in installing and trying your hands on Windows 7 SP-1 Here’s a step by step guide on How to install Windows 7 SP1.

1. Download Windows 7 SP1 from official Direct link. Here, login with your Live ID (make one if you don’t have) While selecting Job profession, make sure to select IT manager as other options will not allow you to move further.

2. Create a Restore point in case something goes wrong because Murphy’s Law exists.

windows 7 sp 1

3. Open the downloaded file and then click Next to start the installation wizard of Service Pack 1 for Windows 7.

windows 7 sp 1

4.After reading the license terms, check the box Accept the license terms, then click Next. On the next screen, leave the box checked Restart the computer automatically. Well, now we only have to click on Install.

windows 7 sp1

5. The wait can be very long: you start by 15 minutes, but the installation time can more than double depending on the characteristics of the system on which you install and upgrade the level of the operating system. You should not use the PC while the upgrade takes place.

windows 7 sp1

6. We may check the status of the service pack while watching the progress of the progress bar in the Install window service pack for Windows. When the upgrade is complete, the Setup Complete screen appears. Then click Close to restart.

windows 7 sp1

7. You have successfully upgraded your copy to Windows 7 Service pack 1.

8. (optional step) After installation, there are chances that, you will see a watermark reading “Evaluation Copy” on desktop. SO, to get rid of this watermark, download watermark remover from intowindows.

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