Optimize Internet Connection and increase Web Browsing Speed

TweakMaster is a very useful software, which can automatically optimize your internet connection and speed up your internet browsing speed. It also provide networking diagnostics and troubleshooting tools , which make it more easy for you to speed up and browser internet with speedy way. There are two versions of TweakMaster, Free version and Pro Version.

Free version is free, and you can download without paying any penny. However Pro Version is not free, and you have to pay $39.95 for this version.There is very little difference between Free Version and Pro Version. In Pro Version there are two additional features, that is  LinkFox and DU meter. LinkFox is web accelerator for Internet Explorer and DU meter provides an accurate account of the data which is flowing through your computer’s network connection at any given moment.

Key Features of TweakingMaster

  • Internet Connection Optimization
  • DNS accelerator
  • Connection Speed Measurement
  • Clock Synchronization
  • Advance Ping and Traceroute
  • Network connection viewer
  • Whols Client
  • DNS Client
  • Connection Minder

How to Download TweakMaster

Visit TweakMaster official website and Click on “Get Free Version” button. Fill the form and click on Download Button. Install the software and enjoy the power of TweakMaster.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 3 comments
thojtzone - January 11, 2010

thanks for sharing, other than the solutions mentioned above, i also suggest dsl speed , it really can help to boost internet connection somehow

Karl Martin - September 5, 2012

DSL Speed is a software utility that can be used to optimize the speed of DSL connection so that you’ll benefit from maximum performance. Thereby you can enjoy surfing the net and continuously do your work hassle free at home. [ dsl speed guide (dot) com ]


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