Ketarin: Keep Software Installer Setup Files Updated not Application

Till now you must have come across any desktop software updater applications. These applications basically checks the installed software and search for their updates. Ketarin is one such application but it works slight differently, instead of checking the installed applications it checks the installer files.

Ketarin is a portable freeware and easy to use application for windows. To make it work first you have to create a set of installers, this can be done for all the applications you use. Adding an application is easy only thing you have to do is add its name and the URL of the installer on web to search for updates.

This application can automatically download latest updates for the installers specified to it and delete the old ones. This feature will help you keep updated with latest files without wasting disk space.

This is an useful application because in this application software updates are user specific and the download pages(URL’s) are also provided hence it only gives important updates from places you trust.

Download Ketarin (731.47KB)

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