Microsoft Security Essentials officially launched

Microsoft Security Essentials, Security suite and antivirus freeware from Microsoft, has been officially launched today.  Not too noticeable changes in their interface but with minor fixes as of in Beta.

Although there are now many spinning antivirus applications, several of them really good, it is true that Microsoft Security Essentials has improved a lot since that distant first alpha release.

Microsoft Security Essentials Official

Microsoft Security Essentials Official

Just launched, the application will check for updates of virus databases available on the Microsoft website, then scan your system for viruses. A scan in Windows 7 RTM only took me 4 minutes for a 320GB disk (if it is not completely full and the initial scan is fast one).

Should have found a virus-which fortunately did not happen-is the option to leave the quarantined files, and as the system is clean, Microsoft Security Essentials has so marked and left the warning icon in the tray green system. Then, right click on the tab can reopen the options to schedule scans, or to define the action to execute in case you find any problems.

Another aspect intersante Microsoft Security Essentials is its real-time scanning of all files that arrive via email in JPEG, MPEG, AVI, or ZIP. And before each scan, the application is responsible for making a point of remedy to any problems later.

Microsoft Security Essentials can be used in Windows XP (32 bit) and Windows 7 and Vista in 32 and 64 bits, and although it is not an  revolutionary antivirus, no doubt we could say that fulfills its purpose of maintaining security.

More information and download: Microsoft Security Live Essentials

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