MS Office 2013 New Features Review in a Nutshell and Download

Microsoft Office in its version 2013 is completely revamped; not just in terms of visual appearance but also some new features integrated to make work easier.

Metro-fied interface, Cloud integration, suitable for Tablets and Touch screen interface and many more. Let’s have a look at new features which came up with MS Office 2013 products.

Microsoft Word 2013 New Features

MS Word 2013

(Click on image to zoom)

  1. Open and Edit PDF documents: Word 2013 brings capability of opening PDF Documents as well as offer Editing like it is a Word Document. No Formatting loss in document, even images and tables appear as it is.
  2. Insert Images From Online Sources: Not just Local Disk, but you can directly search for images on Bing, Flickr or from SkyDrive without leaving MS Word application.
  3. Inbuilt Screen Capture Tool: Use the screen capturing tool to insert window screenshot or clipping.
  4. Insert Videos and Embed: Like Images, you can look out for videos on web. Maybe on Bing search, Youtube or directly paste embed video code to insert video in Word Document.
  5. Read Mode: New View mode is introduced especially for reading ease on Tablet PCs.  In this mode, reading becomes a horizontal experience suited to tablets and swiping, rather than a vertical experience suited to PCs and mouse scrolling. Draft mode of previous version is however excluded.
  6. Auto bookmark: When you stop reading or editing a document, a bookmark is automatically placed in the last location you scrolled to, even if your cursor wasn’t there. The next time you open the document, you’re asked if you want to jump to the place where you left off.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 New Features

MS PowerPoint 2013
(Click on image to zoom)

  1. New Template View: Just when you begin with creating new presentation, template viewer now gives the exact idea about- How Presentation will look when you finish it up.
  2. Embed Clipart, Images and Videos from Web: Finding the right clipart for your presentation has become more easier with integrated clipart search feature. Also, Images and Videos can be searched and inserted right from PowerPoint window.
  3. Presenter View: In the new Presenter view, You can see a preview of the next slide, and your presenter notes. The audience sees only the current slide you’re presenting. There’s also a new zoom feature that lets you zoom into and out of diagrams, charts and graphics while giving a presentation.

Microsoft Excel 2013 New Features

MS Excel 2013
(Click on image to zoom)

  1. Quick Analysis tool: Highlight data that you’ve input into a spreadsheet and a small icon appears next to it. Click the icon and Excel offers suggestions, based on the data, about what you might want to do with it.
  2. Chart Advisor: If you do need to edit a chart, the contextual tools that pop up make it faster and easier; you can preview different designs and checkboxes add and remove chart elements or sections of data interactively.
  3. Timeline slicer: Organizes data by date so you can filter down to a specific period or jump through figures month by month to see the differences.
  4. Flash Fill: Flash Fill recognizes any patterns you start to make with your data functions and will then auto-complete the rest of sheet including formula, macros and all.

Well, I have included only 3 products which are popularly used but MS Office 2013 complete package consist of:

  1. Microsoft Access
  2. Microsoft Excel
  3. Microsoft Infopath
  4. Microsoft Lync
  5. Microsoft Onenote
  6. Microsoft Outlook
  7. Microsoft PowerPoint
  8. Microsoft Publisher
  9. Microsoft Visio Viewer
  10. Microsoft Word

Download MS Office 2013 Offline Installer Direct Link

Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus RTM (Final Build) is available for download. It can be used for free with all features and functionality for 60 days in Trial mode.

Download MS Office 2013 (32 Bit)

Download MS Office 2013 (64 Bit)


You will need MS Office 2013 Product Key to activate evaluation period and other language downloads are also available.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 20 comments
nandan - July 19, 2012

Your download links points 32 bit installation to 64 bit package.. and vice versa.. check it out..

    Rohit Langde - July 19, 2012

    Thanks for noticing Nandan. Links are rectified and post is updated.

Gourav - July 19, 2012

The offline installer asks for activation after being installed. How do we activate it?

    Rohit Langde - July 19, 2012

    Are you trying it on Windows 7? When asked for activation, login with Live ID to get the Preview version activated.
    On Windows 8 however, Live ID is automatically configured and activated.

srinusmart - July 19, 2012

This a new cool look. definately a success to Office

Sumit Ranjan - July 21, 2012

i like your new theme.. clean and good for reading… jst a tip for night readers.. go to magnifier and invert colors.. will give less stress on ur eyes.. :p

vijay hardas - July 22, 2012

seems to be nice but which to download?32bit/64bit and how?link you ,ve provided takes almost 3hrs to download it

zZzZOBRA - October 7, 2012

This is sooooooooooo good

Raheem - November 5, 2012

I downloaded the 64bit version for my Ms Os, Vista Os and the application doesn’t even load. Do I need to get the 32bit version or what is the problem?

    Rohit Langde - November 5, 2012

    If your OS is 64 bit then any version will do. However, if you are running 32 Bit OS, then MS Office 32 bit is required.

      Raheem - November 5, 2012

      I didn’t see until it was too late that you need at least win7 or win8 for the 2013, but can I use 2012 on vista Os?

        Rohit Langde - November 5, 2012

        Yeah, even I didn’t look at the word “Vista” in your comment. MS Office 2013 isn’t compatible with Windows XP and Vista; you need Windows 7 or 8 to run it.

          Raheem - November 5, 2012

          It’s all good I got multiple computers with tons of different Os’s and I got boot up Os’s

ajit - December 28, 2012

is this is preview or latest release ?


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