Normalize Volume Level and Loudness of Mp3 Songs with Mp3Gain

Personally I love listening to music and when it comes to quality I am very particular about it. I download my favorite tracks from many different online sources or some times just convert a YouTube video to mp3 and satisfy my needs. The only glitch I find in downloading my music from different location is that the volume level of songs vary from one source to another. Now we can resolve the above issue with the help of small tool Mp3Gain.

Mp3Gain is a batch mp3 normalizer, with prime task to adjust the loudness of your mp3 file after analyzing it. Don’t worry using this software will not affect the quality of your songs in any way.

Downloading and installing the above software is pretty easy and simple. Once you start the application you will see a window similar to one shown below.

mp3 Gain Analysis1

Click on Add Files or Add folder to add a file or an album which you wish to normalize. You can also drag and drop the files to the window.

Analyze the songs you have just added by clicking on the Track Analysis button. This steps just checks your mp3 file audio level for you, if you wish you can skip it.

mp3 Gain Analysis

Now decide the target volume level. The default value is 89db but you can change it as your wish.

Finally click on Album Gain button to normalize all your files to the set target volume level.

mp3 Gain Analysis 2

Now all your songs will be having the same audio level and you can listen to them with out fiddling your player volume after every track.


Mp3 Gain will come in handy if some of the songs in your library have either too high or too low volume.You can always revert back to the original decibel levels of the mp3 files by clicking onĀ  Click on Modify Gain and then Undo Gain Changes.

Download Mp3 Gain

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
John - July 20, 2010

I have used MP3 Gain for years and it is a great tool for normalizing one’s mp3 collection. However, the default value of 89dB for volume control is generally too low. I instead recommend and use 92 dB.

Another mp3 tool that I use “mp3DirectCut” is very useful in removing any imperfections in a track and also deleting part of the extended silence at the end of some tracks. Another use is copying and pasting other mp3 clips.

While at the above website, download the mp3 player “1By1.” I think that you will like the convenience and simplicity of the player.

Niels - May 28, 2011

you’re saying its lossless.

that means the gain is just a number in the file header you can overwrite?

you’re not re-encoding the mp3 file??


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