Find out who is Not Following back and Bulk Unfollow on Twitter

People who are using Social Networking sites like Twitter for many days and have large number of followings, must have noticed that every member they followed few months or years ago are not active anymore. Finding and removing these members manually is a time taking job. It is always nice to get suggestions and analytical data for any work we are going to do. For this purpose ManageFlitter is the best adviser and tool that you can have.

ManageFlitter is a web service that allows you to find out in the following information about people in your twitter account:

  • Find out who isn’t following you back.
  • Find out which inactive accounts you follow.
  • Clean up and manage who you follow.

This is a handy service that lets you know or filter automatically inactive people and those who are not active for a long time. It also shows popular twitter accounts that  you may like to keep a watch on. It also provides options to bulk unfollow people.

ManageFlitter lets you decide these things easily which if done manually will take days and its really hard to find out information on each and every account that you are following.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
jaganmangat - July 29, 2010

thanx a lot for providing this info….

SweetC - November 23, 2010

This tool is very useful ! It worked out great for me đŸ™‚


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