Perfect Alternatives for JDownloader – Windows Mac and Linux

While talking about a File download manager from popular hosting sites, JDownloader is probably the first name you get to hear. It’s continuous development, compatibility with number of sites and amazing feature to fill out captchas automatically adds to it popularity.

Still, if you are looking for alternative JDownloader Manager just because you feel it’s bulky or slow in starting up then this article is dedicated you.

Tucan Manager

One of the most common complain about JDownloader is the amount of resources it uses, heavy for its operation and / or load times. Tucan is exactly what you are looking for as an alternative for those who want a faster experience with this light weight download manager.

Prepared cross-platform for Windows, Mac and various Linux distributions, supports less direct download instances at least for the moment that JDownloader, that it is still the king.

Download Tucan Manager


It’s a complete solution for Rapidshare downloads. All you need to do is provide it the link to the download page. Cryptload automatically takes care of the captcha and generates the actual download link. In case you are in rapidshare waiting time Cryptload will automatically re-attempt to download at fixed intervals until it succeeds.

Another unique feature in Cryptload is to disconnect and reconnect through your Modem/Router. This feature comes in handy if you have dynamic ip address as this will bypass the wait time between downloads.

The plethora of features, coupled with impressive download speed and the fact that it always works makes Cryptload, a best alternative.

Download Cryptload

MDM and Progressive Downloader for Mac OS X

Mac users often are not contented with just a great program, but they also want a good design to match with the platform environment. That is what solves MDM, one of the best alternative for Mac OS X Lion (note: and only for Lion). Despite being still in its early betas, starts promising, with a much nicer interface than JDownloader .

It’s free but has yet to grow into a powerful alternative to JD: for example, needs more support for various services like possibility of DLC or a good link manager … Some of these requests have been already incorporated to the native choice for OS X users: Progressive Downloader, free alternative with a good future ahead.

Download MDM and Progressive downloader



Mipony , besides having a funny name, rivals JDownloader in something that the other alternatives are lagging behind: the number of sites that can deal with when managing direct downloads. It falls short of the goals of JD, but it goes beyond the main. It incorporates many of the options JD (anticaptcha included) and is integrated into the browser like it if we so desire.

But: only available for Windows users. In any case, a fairly comprehensive option to consider.

Read more about Mipony

Orbit Downloader

Being developed since 2006 and still remains the choice of many when it comes to capture streaming media on webpage. It supports new formats like WebM and HTML5 Videos on Youtube which makes it all in one tool for download purposes.

Available for Free Download with Windows support only.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 4 comments
Amit Shreyas - September 10, 2011

it is undisputed that “INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER” is not only the king of downloaders, but also, IDM is the real king of whole software- world.

    Rohit Langde - September 11, 2011

    Exactly but the problem is IDM is not a freeware and that’s the reason I didn’t include it in the list. Thanks for your comment though πŸ™‚

Destry - January 18, 2012

So, the shown 172.5 KB/s is “impressive download speed”? If that’s the best you can do with freebies then I’m glad I’m with Amit, with IDM. Pay for it, get 10 times the speed, and don’t waste your life in wait mode.

Rohit Langde - January 18, 2012

Above screenshots refer to 2MBPS Internet Connection and the speed is considered as good enough in my Country.

Overall use of any Download Manager is to give the best with available connection speed, it won’t deliver anything above that.


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