Play World of Warcraft for Free Online

World of Warcraft(WOW), the world’s top selling online game is now offering free download and introductory content for free play. Blizzard Entertainment is offering new players to play for free the first 20 levels, but have to buy expansions plus the original game if they want to continue after level 20.

The Blizzard have dropped their prices for the original game and expansion to 20$, but the other expansions cost around 35$.

You can reach a max of level 85 in the WOW. So, Blizzard is offering a part of their game for free play. There is also an lot of end-game content that is designed for players who are looking for additional challenges and better rewards once they reach level 85.

Blizzard Entertainment’s WOW is the one most successful online game having around 11.4 million monthly subscribers who pay around $12 a month to access the world of Azeroth.

As a gamer let me say that WOW is an addiction game, so if you are going for the offer you might end up buying the original game. For more info and playing the Game right now, sign up on the official website.

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Prateek - July 5, 2011

It is for Americas/Russia/Europe

Please correct me if i m wrong.I would be too happy to be wrong

Avi - July 6, 2011

Its not at all like that but the server are there so latency will be high that’s why they are asking as latency increases with distance but don’t worry if you have a fast internet.

Ajaypratap Sidhu - July 14, 2011

One word….”classy” game!!

    flikdort - July 23, 2011

    games awsome im level 78

      Hannah hubrich - August 30, 2011

      I love this game I have a level 84 hunter, 76 dk , 55 pally , 33 Druid 55 rogue

Bram ^^. - January 31, 2012

Nice man (:


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