Find The Reason Behind Video Buffering & Audio Streaming Problems

There are only two possible reasons behind the video streaming problems. Either your computer hardware system or the Internet Service provider. But whom to blame and find the reason behind video buffering, audio streaming or realtime data transfer.

If the problem is with ISP or Broadband service provider, you may check with them to rectify. Get the high speed plan or change the ISP.

Fast Broadband Internet But Still Video Streaming Fails, Why?

Once, you have confirmed that you are getting good speed for online video playback then obviously, the problem is with computer system. This problem can be found out using DPC Latency check tool.

DPC Latency is a portable tool which analyzes computer to determine its capability to handle streaming. Also, it can help you in finding the cause of problem in video streaming.

Sometimes, a misconfiguration or an outdated driver could conflict with the working of system and causing video streaming dropouts. DPC Latency checker help you find the culprit and lets you know when the problem is solved.

How it Works

The program works by measuring the time your PC is spending in deferred procedure calls (DPCs), a mechanism used by drivers to tell the system that they need to process data right away.

dpc latency checker

Open the tool and you will see bar graph moving on the screen. These are nothing but the representation of you computer latency. Higher the number, poorer the streaming capability. Count should be lower than 1000 micro seconds.

  • Green- Everything OK
  • Yellow- There maybe a problem but still system can playback without dropouts
  • Red- Some device driver is misbehaving and may be the cause of video interruptions

If the bar color color is red with high latency, you should start looking for the driver causing problem.

How to Find Device Driver causing Video Streaming Problem

video streaming latency problem

Observe the red spikes. They are probably causing video dropouts. We have eliminate them and bring the latency count down turning the bar color into green.

  1. Open the Device Manager and disable device one by one keeping the latency checker open.
  2. Observe the graph and latency count at each move.
  3. If there is no change, enable the device again.
  4. Continue step 1-3 until you find a reduction in latency count.
  5. Once found, update the drivers and problem should be fixed.

Most of the time, culprit is either Network or Sound devices so, try disabling them first followed by USB Hub Controller. Note that you shouldn’t disable system devices which are essential to keep computer running.

Download and learn more about DPC latency on official website. (Not compatible with Windows 8 yet)

This is one of the many reasons causing online video streaming problems. You should also make sure that you are using a modern browser with all capabilities. And update Flash version too if necessary. via SoftwareCrew

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Yogesh Bajpai - December 4, 2012

Good and technical information to deal with video streaming buffering issue. Thank you so much.


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