How to Receive big files from anyone in Dropbox account remotely
For those who don’t know, Dropbox is a online storage folder to store your files securely in clouds and sync them to access from any device any platform. Here’s how you can receive big files from anyone in your dropbox account without email.
DropITtoME is a free service offering ability to give privilege to your friends and known people to upload big files upto 75MB to dropbox account remotely. No, neither it includes email attachments nor you have to give out your login credentials to do that.
DROPitTOme offers a simple and intuitive interface to upload files. What you have to do is register on DropItToMe and link your DropBox account to it by allowing DropItToMe to access your DropBox account.
On registration, you get a unique upload URL – Set some password for uploading (which should be different from Dropbox password) and you are done!
Using this unique URL, anyone from anywhere without a need to login Dropbox can upload files upto 75MB in size to your Dropbox account instantly. You will be prompted to enter uploader’s password to proceed.
This has one more use when you are on Public PC and don’t want to give out Dropbox password for security reason then use DropItToMe for uploading purposes.
Site : DROPitTOme