Redesign or Decorate Home Interiors Online With Cool Catalogs on Homestyler

There comes a time in our life when we start thinking about buying a new place to live in or redesign our old place. The task of designing and decorating it is the same as moving into a new place and throwing out our stuffs to make it look like a home. It takes a rigorous amount of time to plan these kind of tasks, but becomes an headache when it’s not preplanned.

We have already covered Sweet Home 3D, a desktop application based on Java. Another way to perform this task in a simpler manner is Autodesk Homestyler.

Using Autodesk Homestyler you can do the same with more ease and lots of customizable options (go with the ease part not that customizable if you really went into details). I just want to state in the beginning that I’m a horrible designer so if my final design looks like a customized version of someone Else’s design, I’d say Bingo.

autodesk homestyler wizard

Now back to Homestyler, it gives you the option to choose the featured designs which are really good to begin with and then customize them according to your needs. There may be few things that you may not like i.e if the room size are not same.

The second option is to start designing from scratch. This option should be preferably selected as it provides the highest degree of customization. When you choose this option you’ll see the catalog with many options like Build, Furnish, Decorate, and landscape & Outdoor.

autodesk homestyler catalog

That pretty much sums up everything as these categories have many sub-categories like stuffs to put in living room, dining room, and your room size, walls and area. You can also view your room as a 3-D model with or without walls. You can take screenshot and decorate your rooms according to floors and shapes.

autodesk homestyler demo design

Homestyler also gives you the option to totally make your model look perfectly like your actual room if you know how it looks in reality.

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