Redesign Windows 7 completely including Theme, Logon Screen, Side Panel
In addition to use the resources of the machine more efficiently, Windows 7 brought a new look that emphasizes the lightness and convenience of access to programs. But if you think the new look could be even better, you can do it with 7 Theme Source Patcher.
The program gives a complete new appearance, changing from the image displayed at login, even the icons of Windows key shortcuts. All without needing any kind of configuration, just select the package you want to apply and wait a few moments while the program is making the changes.
Caution: To make the proposed changes, Se7en Theme Source Patcher modifies about 70 windows registry files, responsible for the virtual operating system. For safety, always leave the option “Create New Restoting Point When Patching” checked.
Thus, in case any problems occur during or just want to return to the previous appearance, simply access the settings saved in the last restore point created by the system.
Redesign Windows 7 Completely
They offer various Theme packages (check official ones and user submitted) and also you can change single elements too like Start Orb, Side Panel image or select a custom image for Logon Screen.
For those who loves customization and find it difficult to hack into Windows library, Se7en Theme Source Patcher is all in one tool to accomplish it.
Download Se7en Theme Source Patcher