Repair and Extract content from Corrupted ZIP, RAR, 7Z archives

Compressed archives store numerous files in compact space. These archives sometimes get corrupted when transferring from here to there. Then it becomes virtually impossible to extract the content from it or repair archives. In such case, AutoUnpack is useful to extract content from corrupted archives.

We have already covered Zip Repair which only supported ZIP archives but Auto Unpack can extract content and make it possible to access files inside corrupted ZIP RAR 7Z and TS archives.

Repair ZIP RAR 7 ZIP archives

Install the program, Provide the source folder which contains Corrupted archives and don’t forget it also supports .001 .002 like splitted archives too. AutoUnpack analyzes this source folder to search for PAR2 files. It uses them to verify the downloaded files that belong to them. If some files are incomplete or missing and there aren’t enough PAR2 repair blocks available, the program will show how many blocks are missing. It will analyze the folder again later. If enough PAR2 repair blocks are available AutoUnpack will repair the missing or incomplete files. Files will be decompressed and saved with respective folder names.

In other words this is a fantastic application, an efficient and powerful little program to be included directly in your toolbox in order to benefit directly when needed.

Download AutoUnpack

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Nihar - November 17, 2010

Thanks for sharing this tool.

I face this issue lots of time corrupted zip or rar file.


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