Reset or Remove Windows Administrator password Modestly
Sometimes it is natural that being the administrator you may forget your Windows account Password. This might bring a lot of irritating and time consuming consequences, as I forgot my password but luckily was logged into my account. So I had to create a new user account before logging off and organize everything from scratch. But situations like this can be avoided with Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.
With this utility you will be able to set an entirely new administrator password without knowing the previous one for windows XP, windows 2000, vista and windows 7, you will get options to unlock disable or locked out user accounts and there is also a registry editor that can be used for many other purposes and also works well under Linux environment.
This utility works by making a bootable CD, Floppy drive or USB disks like pendrive, after you have downloaded the files (For CD release) just extract the ISO file and burn it on a CD or make bootable pendrive from the files. Next time you boot select boot device as USB drive or CD drive as preferred and follow the steps. This utility access Windows Security account Manager File where all windows passwords are stored and deletes or resets the password associated with the account name.
My Verdict
This Utility can be used to as a great relief if you have forgot your password, but is the same way depending on type of use it can also be used to hack into others computer running windows . Thus the use of this software totally depends on intention of user.
Download: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor